I enjoyed the article ‘Battle of the Bugs’ in the April edition of TCM. I have long thought that the magazine ought to devote a little space to cycle attachments, as I feel sure some of your readers must have started powered two wheeling on one of these.
My passion for motorcycles started at grammar school around 1950 when the art teacher used to come to school on a Gardengate Manx Norton. That passion was further fuelled by copies of the ‘Blue Un’ my father had passed on to him for me by a work colleague.
As soon I reached the age of 16, I purchased a second hand Trojan Mini Motor, financed by the sale of my model railway, and mounted it on a cycle I specially built up for the purpose.
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My best pal also had one and together we had great fun with those bikes.

We thought nothing of travelling 40 miles or so up the old A1 from Huddersfield, on a Sunday morning, to Thirsk to watch Brian Stonebridge et al in a scramble at Boltby Bank.
In 1956 we embarked on a trip down to the West Country going as far south as Wells and Weston Super Mare. We covered 600 miles in six days at a cost of six pounds for accommodation and fuel.
Great days they were, and the great days continued when I bought a 1937 250cc AJS from a fitter at the engineering works where I was an apprentice, but that’s another story…
Dave Whitworth, Huddersfield.
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