Bringing together the best of Fast Bikes, Motorcycle Sport and Leisure, Classic Motorcycle Mechanics and Back Street Heroes – is about to get bigger and better than ever before.
Motorbikes are awesome. And so are the people who ride them. That’s why the website for the world’s biggest motorcycle monthly bike title is getting a major upgrade to pull together even more of the content you love.
Enjoy more Classic MotorCycle reading in the monthly magazine.
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Following the relaunch of the MoreBikes newspaper earlier this year, we’ve decided to overhaul the website. Don’t worry, we’ll still be the first to bring the motorcycle news that matters to millions of people – but we’re joining forces with some of the biggest names in the game to bring you even more top content, bike launches and kit news before anyone else.
Fast Bikes magazine’s got the sport side covered, with the freshest track tests, paddock gossip and setup tips. Motorcycle Sport and Leisure magazine brings group tests, industry insights and top quality tours to the table. Classic Motorcycle Mechanics magazine will be on hand to offer advice on the latest coming classics, helping you get your latest project on the road, or snap up that bargain before everyone else – while Back Street Heroes magazine offers an unrivalled insight into a world filled with crazy custom creations.
No matter whether you’re a trackday addict, a day-in, day-out commuter, a sunny Sunday scratcher, a big-miles tourer or a learner looking to take your first step into the world of two wheels, the new site will take your spark of interest and fan the flames, opening up the wider motorcycle world and beyond – with the very best and latest exclusive news, product reviews, motorcycle tests, world launch reports, interviews and everything else that makes bikes awesome.
MoreBikes is your complete one-stop shop for EVERYTHING a rider needs. If it’s two wheels you’re into, it’s MoreBikes you need.
And if that wasn’t enough, there’s a new smartphone app, a weekly newsletter, podcasts, videos,
MoreBikes was launched in March 2014 as the online presence of the UK’s biggest monthly bike newspaper – Motor Cycle Monthly – and the concept was simple; expand and share the newspaper’s popular content across multiple digital platforms.
The project began with the introduction of a modern, responsive website designed to rival anything the industry could offer. This was soon followed with a weekly e-newsletter of the biggest stories delivered straight to readers, a MoreBikes YouTube channel (which has already totted up nearly seven million views), a MoreBikes podcast available on iTunes and Soundcloud and the MoreBikes app – available on iOS and with an Android release imminent – which features a weekly e-zine.
With each of the different strands now well-established, reaching five million visits to the website is the icing on the cake ahead of MoreBikes’ third birthday… but that’s just the start. The introduction of an Android-compatible app is just one a number of exciting developments for 2020 and beyond, as the team continues to work hard to cement MoreBikes’ place as the premier website for the latest motorcycle news, reviews, videos and exclusive content.