The 247 c.c. N.S.U. Max, a product of Germany’s largest motorcycle factory, is typical of the technical enterprise which characterizes post-war Continental motorcycle design. In many respects the machine represents a bold break-away from orthodoxy. Among its outstanding features are a welded spine frame and an enclosed rear driving chain. Exhaust and mechanical quietness have been studied to an unusual degree. The silencer is no less than 38in long, with a major diameter of 4in. The overhead camshaft is operated by the ingenious Ultramax valve-gear described in The Motor Cycle for 8 January 1953. This layout employs eccentrics and long connecting rods to transmit the drive from crankshaft to cam-shaft. The external design of the power unit provides: lean, symmetrical lines. Not only is unit construction of engine and gear box employed, but the 45-watt generator, voltage-control unit, ignition coil, contact breaker and automatic advance and retard mechanism are all enclosed in a compartment formed by the right-hand crankcase cover. Accessibility of these components is not impaired, since they may be exposed by the removal of five. screws and the cover.