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“Flat Twin Engine, 68.6mm x 54mm, 398cc; Four-speed Gear Box, Gate Change and Spring Frame.
Some preliminary details regarding the A.B.C. post-war programme appeared in The Motor Cycle of November 28th, 1918, page 475. Since that date items in the 1919 programme have under-gone some modification, and the engine and other parts have been considerably improved.
The first impression one receives of the new A.B.C. is that it is designed as a motor bicycle. It is no slavish copy of any existing design, but with no suspicion of freakishness. The designer’s ingenuity ha had full play, and yet, with all its originality, there appears to be no reason why the machine should not be successful in every way.
Probably the first characteristic of the machine which strikes one is the lack of void spaces between wheels and frame and about the engine. It is a motor cycle designed around an engine gear unit rather than an over-developed bicycle fitted with an engine, and the result is most pleasing to the eye. It requires attention at one point, however, to make it conform to the ideals of a large coterie of all-weather riders. We refer to the mudguarding and the chain cover. We think the rear guard would be improved by the extension of the valance between the chain and the tyre, and that a totally enclosed chain would be better than the three-quarter guard shown on the model illustrated.
When the early successful A.B.C. motor bicycles are recalled, and the immense experience in the construction of aero engines that the firm has had during the past four and a half years is taken into consideration, it is not surprising that the new A.B.C. clearly shows how much the firm and its designer, Mr. Granville Bradshaw, have learnt during this period…”
3 Page – PDF Download – Complete Article – ABC 3HP