BMW R16 ohv 734cc 1931 Road Test
A Famous Foreigner – The Speedy German B.M.W. Tried Under English Conditions
Do you know that anticipatory thrill that lightens your footsteps as you hurry to the agent’s to collect your long-awaited new machine? It is an intriguing mixture of pleasure, curiosity, and perhaps a little timidity. And I must confess that I, a motor cycle journalist who might be considered immune from such sensations, was thus thrilled as I made my way to Heston Air Park, Middlesex, to collect from its British concessionaires a 750 c.c. o.h.v. B.M.W. for road-test.
The fact that a similar product of the famous German factory recently held the world’s speed record added glamour to the test. The model awaiting me had the very hot-stuff high-compression flat-twin unit which has gained fame for the make, so I could take its speed capabilities for granted. But how would it handle at speed? On greasy roads? And, above all, on the muddy by-lanes so loved by the English sporting rider? I was soon to know.