2 Page – PDF Download – Complete Article – BSA B30/4 ohv Road Test
“Road Tests of 1930 Model’s – The 250 cc ohv BSA
A Month’s Hard Riding on a Most Interesting New Lightweight
During the few weeks in which the newly introduced 249 c.c. o.h.v. BSA was in the possession of Motor Cycling the rainfall was the greatest in living memory.
Although, as a statement of fact, the foregoing may not appear to have any very special significance, it is nevertheless true that from the point of view of a road test it had quite a definite bearing; it meant that, (a) practically speaking, it was never ridden on a dry surface; and (b) the opportunities which its “bright parts” had of becoming dull parts were such as arise on an average about once a century.
This latter fact was particularly intrusive in view of certain rumours to the effect that the chromium plating figuring on more than one manufacturer’s products at the present time is not entirely above question. However, it can be said with perfect truth that, although that, although the B.S.A. experienced as moist a months work as it would be possible to conceive, its chromium proved to be quite above reproach. This point is stressed principally because at the conclusion of our test the cold brilliance of the tank, handle-bars, levers and so forth made an extremely favourable comparison with the appearance of the nickelled parts of certain other machines which have passed through the hands of Motor Cycling during rainy months. It might be mentioned, furthermore, that the only N.P. portions of the whole machine – certain small nuts and fittings on the acetylene lighting set – rusted considerably as a result of the wet weather and lack of attention during the period of the test. this fact – if justification were needed – quite definitely justifies chromium…”
2 Page – PDF Download – Complete Article – BSA B30/4 ohv Road Test