Excelsior 247cc Road Test 1928 – PDF Download
Reliability is a quality the existence of which can only be discovered as time elapses. Com-fort, on the other hand, or the lack of it, is immediately noticeable. Even the highest degree of reliability can do but little to atone for lack of comfort. The two characteristics, to a great extent, go hand in hand, for a motor cycle which carries its rider in ease will be better driven than one which is uncomfortable, and good driving tends to-wards the attainment of reliable service.
Ease of Control.
It would appear that the designers of the 247 c.c. Villiers-engined Excelsior appreciate this point to the fullest extent, for the machine leaves little to be desired from the point of view of ease of control, and its general handling is excellent. There can be no doubt that the riew duplex frame is very largely responsible for this happy state of affairs. Much care has been expended in laying out the design, and the results are that the weight is satisfactorily carried and compactness has been secured without cramping.
A feeling of great security is imparted immediately the machine is on the move, the sensation of being astride a strange mount being entirely absent. This was brought otit quite forcibly, since the initial run of the test was undertaken in a dense fog. Under such circumstances, when all attention is necessarily concentrated on the road, driving control should require no conscious effort. On this occasion, control of the Excelsior, ms, from the outset, assumed automatically, and so it was possible to postpone. a c I s e study of its behav10ur until the fog lifted.
As the miles where covered, the steadiness of the machine made itself more and more evident. A high average speed ffas maintained with the utmost ease, due not only to the willingness of the engine, but also to the manner in which the machine held the road in all circumstances.