Gilera Standard 175cc o.h.v An Amazingly Economical Italian
Made by the famed Italian concern of Gilera and handled in this country by Motor Imports Co., Ltd., London. the 175 c.c. single-cylinder Gilera “Standard ., adheres closely to Italian post-war motor-cycle tradition. This explains the red-and-black décor, the narrow dual seat and dropped bars, the light-alloy rims, the “sports” performance and the throaty exhaust note.
But it is to the Arcore company alone that the credit must go for endowing this four-stroke with excellent dry-road steering, near vibration less running, first-class lights and exceptional economy obtained from an absolutely oil-tight motor. Obviously the concessionaires had prepared the machine properly, but it is plain that the basic design was sound in the first place.
The duplex frame clearly owes a good deal to Gil era’s racing practice for it is a rigid yet light structure. All joints are brazed; the engine-gearbox block forms the bottom portion of the cradle and the rear sub-frame takes the form of two partly-cantilever arms supporting the seat, the mudguard and the upper end of the spring units for the hydraulically damped swinging fork.
Light as the whole machine is-even for the ” 175 ” class-it has very good cornering indeed, with one reservation. It was found that any radius of bend. attempted slow or fast, could be negotiated with