The 197 c.c. Two-stroke “DRAGON” Model H.J.H.
Excellent finish characterizes a Villiers-powered newcomer from the Welsh valleys
A handsome machine in an old-world setting. “Motor Cycling’s” man rides the H.J.H. “Dragon” through the streets of ancient Monmouth.
THE firm foundations of Britain’s great motorcycle industry were built up by small, enthusiastic concerns who had the courage to venture into the then uncharted seas of commercial motorcycle manufacture. And today, when those who survived the storms and shoal arc so well established, it is refreshing to see a revival of their spirit de pile high costs and the discouragement of purchase tax. So, it was with lively interest that Motor Cycli11g took delivery of the newest product of the industry, a 197 cc. H.J.H. “Dragon,” manufactured by H. J. Hulsman (lndustries), of Canal Side Works, Canal Road, Neath, Glamorgan.