2 Page – PDF Download – Complete Article – Matchless G80 Clubman Road Test
“The 498cc G80 Clubman Matchless
In the latest edition of the the 498cc “Clubman” Matchless the makers have succeeded in combining two excellent features in the engine, namely, a capacity for pulling at low speeds and exceedingly lively acceleration – an unusual combination.
The machine tested was first ridden in heavy traffic, and it was under conditions that the engine’s pulling powers were most marked. With the ignition fully retarded the model could be throttled down to 15mph, in top gear, without the transmission being felt, and from 20 mph in the same gear rapid acceleration could be indulged in without any use of the ignition lever.
Throughout the test straight No. 1 petrol was used, and although frequently driven hard the engine never pinked or showed any tendency to do so.
Long main-road hills were breasted in top gear always with power in hand, and even Pebblecombe Hill, near Dorking, which has a gradient of 1 in 5, was climbed without changing down. Naturally, use had to be made of the ignition control on gradients of this nature, and although the speed was allowed to drop as low as 20mph the engine would not knock or protest in any way…”
2 Page – PDF Download – Complete Article – Matchless G80 Clubman Road Test