Over the TON from the powerful 650cc A.J.S Hurricane
The 31CSR or Hurricane is the largest motorcycle in the A.J.S range of machines produced by the AMC concern at Plumstead. With cruising speed in the 80 to 90 miles an hour mark and a top speed of about 105 miles an hour, it is definitely a motorcycle for the enthusiast. No power outputs figures are given, but comparing it with sports machines of the same capacity, we would set a figure around 45 brake-horse-power.
The 650cc o.h.v. twin-cylinder engine of the Hurricane seems to have a split personality if that is possible in motorcycles. About town it burbles along as quietly as any small capacity run about machine (see large silencer – pic 2) yet as soon as one arrives at the open road and gives the machine its head, it becomes a rip-snorting road burning sports bike.