197 c.c. Tandon Supaglid Supreme
A Powerful Lightweight with Outstandingly Good Suspension and Attractive Appearance
The Tandon Supaglid Supreme is almost identical with the already proved 122 c.c. Supaglid model except that the Supreme is fitted with the 197 c.c. Villiers engine-gear unit. The result is a machine which retains the outstanding mad-holding and steering qualities and the attractive appearance of the smaller model, but which has what to some riders will be the added advantage of a higher performance.
This higher performance is pleasing, especially in the way it endows the new Tandon with the capacity for sustained hard work. For its size, the engine has lusty power-one might almost use the word “punch “and it is never happier than when being driven hard.
Under average, open-road conditions, a pleasant, effortless gait was around 45 m.p.h. Adverse conditions such as strong headwinds and hills would have an effect, of course, but to a less marked extent than might be anticipated. Top gear at 5.32 to 1 is on the high side, and at 45 m.p.h. the engine speed is well below 4,000 r.p.m. The engine pulls this gear admirably, and this feature makes its contribution to the effortlessness of cruising in the middle forties. On no occasion did the engine get “fussy” or give any other indication of over-driving.