The 3T De Luxe, Speed Twin and Tiger 100-AII Vertical Twins, of Course -are Being Continued for 1948.
FOR 1948, Triumphs will be introducing certain modifications to their existing range of machines as and when circum-stances allow. This somewhat bald statement reflects present-day conditions. It is also a warning that it may be a month or two before some of the 1948 modifications appear on Triumph production models. So successful have been the 1947 Triumph engines, however, that no alterations to the actual power units are at present intended. Those modifications that are planned are merely refinements to an already proven range.
As an instance, a new rear mudguard has been designed for the Speed Twin and the specially tuned Tiger 100. This mudguard is detachable from the seat stays bridge-piece under the saddle. Only two mudguard stays are used on each side (instead of three), and the bridges. are welded to the blades in order to eliminate the use of rivets. Welded to the seat-stays bridge-piece is a plate, to which the detachable mudguard blade is bolted.
The lower forward member of the mudguard joins its upper detachable member at this bridge-piece.
A steel pressing, shaped to the hand, secures the rear number plate to the mudguard and serves as a lifting handle. This replaces, on the five-hundreds, the pair of handles common to 1947 machines.
On all models the front mudguard is being modified. The blade is of Sin section as before, but rivets are eliminated by having the forward stay bridge welded to the blade. The stays attached to the telescopic fork legs are stronger than previously. A beaded edge on the front of the mudguard is put there for improved weathering of the enamel. Great attention is, in fact, being paid to good finish throughout the range of models. It is stressed, incidentally, that the new mudguards will not be fitted to old machines.