Here is a warming image of the works Scott team at the Isle of Man TT in 1925. It seems a far cry from today’s professional and serious garage set-ups, yet the work, the conversations, and the ultimate goal remain the same 97 years on.
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The 1925 Senior TT will be remembered by many for the only win ever by a rider on a motorcycle bearing their own name. Harold R Davies, riding his HRD, beat Frank Longman on his AJS, and Alec Bennett riding a Norton. Just four and a half minutes separated first from third.
In fifth came Harry Langman on his Scott with an average speed of more than 61mph over the race, 14 minutes after HR Davies and less than a second after Tom Frederick in fourth. Langman had fared better previously on Scotts, with a third in 1922 and a second in 1924, but the competition was getting better all the time. Scotts were ridden by three more riders in the Senior that year: E Mainwaring, H Town and JH Welsby, none of which finished.
Scott had been attempting the TT with the unusual two-stroke lightweight bikes since 1909 with rider Eric Myers; as with so many other companies, Alfred Scott realised the power of TT success in the sales of machines. Especially machines such as the remarkable Scott, liquid-cooled when most were air-cooled, two-stroke when most others preferred four-stroke, and twin cylinder when most were singles. Additionally, they were light, nimble, and made well. Scott continued to soldier on and make its two-strokes until 1978, though in reality it was all over by 1950.
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