A sincere ‘thank you’ is in order for your ‘T160 Revival’ series in the Jan-Mar 2015 editions of The Classic MotorCycle.
I too have a T160 that needed to be awakened from a 20-plus year sleep, and I must say your articles are what guided me through it step-by-step. My bike deteriorated from non-use almost exactly like your subject bike, and with your help I rebuilt the Amals, cleaned the tank, changed the fork seals, and rebuilt the master cylinders and calipers. After changing the oil (yes, it was all in the sump) and fitting a new battery, I can’t possibly convey my thrill when I opened the petcocks, tickled the carbs, and hit the starter button. It fired immediately and ran like it had never missed a day. Unbelievable!

I gave it a good scrubbing, then took it to the Triumph national rally in Oley Pennsylvania where it took first place in the Trident/Hurricane division, and I owe it all to you. With less than 2300 miles and still on the factory tyres, it’s a very original bike that runs as well as it looks. Now all I need is another one in need of restoration so I can throw the Hyde/Williams catalogues at it and not feel guilty about ruining the originality…
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You know you’ve published a worthwhile magazine when your readers get the pages filthy dirty with greasy fingerprints and brake fluid!
Great job and thanks again.
Tom Larsen, via email, USA.
Read more letters, opinion, news and views in September’s issue of TCM