The Wroughton events always attract a fine variety of machines, often producing performances that mean they are punching way above their weight. Richard von Mach took the open 250 Racing class – on a very rapid Ariel Arrow that was travelling at more than 100mph over the finish line. Ian Dentith wound on his immaculate early 500 Triumph to 14.78/89mph. Henry Body on his 1928 Douglas topped the Vintage classes with 12.50/107mph. His nearest challenger was Bernard White, also Douglas mounted, who posted 13.03/100.
The sidecar/three-wheeler battle included the Halec-Mini entered by the Cameron family. Chris Illman took two class wins, one with his Booth-Matchless, ridden with ballast, the other a 12-second blast on the blown Vincent ‘Methamon’ with Sheelagh Neal renewing her acquaintance with the sidecar. Years previously, she had passengered this outfit when it was ridden by its builder, Maurice Brierley.
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Fastest time of the day was eventually awarded to Ray Law, on his 1960s-built double-engined Triumph with 10.25/118mph.